Paige Summers
Has a Son!

He was born in Albany, TX in 1982

A very cute little boy was born to Marty Ray Scott
(aka: Paige Summers)
and his first wife (Victim #3)
in 1982

Paige Summers openly continues to aver that he has never been married and has had no children. However, he has been married multiple times has a son named Christopher and four beautiful grandchildren. All but a couple of the Victims listed on this site do not even know about his son; or his name or location.   

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Paige Summers has given all his love and attention to a bulldog, and his own selfish wants . . . and NOT his own child???

Fathers should not provoke their children to anger by the way they treat them. Rather, fathers should bring up their children with the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Paige Summers presents himself on social media as a God loving Christian who follows the ways of the Lord and "would die for Him." He accuses victims of being the wicked one(s), posts how a man should treat a woman, denies being a liar or a con or a thief, and yet denies his own son the daddy that his son longed for in his life?

One victim met the family recently in Texas. He explained that the only reason he had a relationship with Christopher's mom is because he felt sorry for her deformed face. Even though he denies being their grandfather, the kids call him pappy.    

"And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" -Ephesians 6:4 KJV

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